Consumer Services

Creditor negotiations

Negotiations with creditors involve discussing and reaching agreement on debt repayment terms.

Creditor negotiations

What does it involve?

In Canada, one way of dealing with financial debt is through a commercial or consumer proposal. A proposal allows you to negotiate a repayment plan with your creditors, during which you repay only a portion of the money owed. Groupe Serpone's team of experts will take full responsibility for negotiating your proposal, and for negotiating with your creditors, in order to offer you the best possible solution for your specific situation.

Who does it apply to?

Individuals in debt

People who have accumulated personal debts, such as student loans, credit cards, or medical debts, and are struggling to keep up with their monthly payments.

Individuals with tax debts

These are people who have accumulated debts to government agencies, such as income taxes, property taxes or social security contributions.

Borrowers in default

People who have made financial commitments, such as mortgages or car loans, and are in default, risking seizure or repossession of their assets.


Professional support
Instant financial improvement
In-depth analysis of the financial situation
Comprehensive financial analysis
Confidentiality and discretion
Advice from bankruptcy experts

Professional support

Benefit from the professional support of a licensed trustee in bankruptcy. You'll get expert advice and a clear plan of action, whatever the case.

Instant financial improvement

Find financial stability through a new job, new sources of income, sales, bonuses...

In-depth analysis of the financial situation

Benefit from strategic recommendations thanks to an in-depth financial analysis that takes into account financial statements and cash flows.

Comprehensive financial analysis

We analyze your situation: debts, assets, income, expenses, etc., then develop a personalized strategy to help you out of the impasse.

Confidentiality and discretion

Your confidentiality is guaranteed. Our aim is to ensure the utmost discretion and to protect your reputation and relationships.

Advice from bankruptcy experts

Our experienced bankruptcy team will advise and support you step by step to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.

The process

No matter what stage you're at with your finances, you've come to the right place with us. We'll help you get your financial house in order, and back on track to a bright future.

In-depth analysis of the financial situation

Detailed analysis of the financial situation enables creditors to be given priority and the financial situation to be negotiated.


Developing a negotiation strategy

The analysis guides the negotiation strategy: realistic objectives are established and convincing arguments are developed.


Negotiating and revising repayment terms

Creditors are contacted to negotiate repayment, with the ultimate aim of reducing debt, obtaining better rates and fair deadlines.


Free advice


During negotiations with your creditors, various arrangements can be considered. These may include reducing the total amount of debt, setting up an installment plan, waiving certain fees or penalties, or modifying repayment terms. The type of arrangement will depend on the specific situation and the creditors involved.

If a creditor has not signed a written agreement and has only given you oral consent, they can still change their mind and cancel the agreement at any time. At Groupe Serpone, we strongly recommend the use of a signed, written agreement, detailing each clause, for your protection and peace of mind.

- You don't have many creditors - the amount of your debts is not very high - you're going through a temporary situation that's affecting your finances - you're on good terms with your creditors and they trust you.

Negotiations with your creditors can have an impact on your credit rating. The final decision will depend on the specific policies of your creditors and the agreement reached. However, it's important to note that if you respect the terms of the negotiated agreement, this can help re-establish a good relationship with your creditors and improve your credit rating in the long term.

It is important to continue making payments to your creditors during negotiations. Stopping payments to your creditors can have negative consequences, such as late payments, additional charges or a deterioration in your credit rating. Groupe Serpone will guide you on the best way to manage your payments while entering into negotiations with your creditors.

No, you don't have to be in serious financial distress to benefit from creditor negotiations. Negotiations can be useful in a variety of situations, from temporary financial difficulties to finding better ways to manage your debts. Groupe Serpone will assess your specific situation and provide you with advice tailored to your needs.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude. Your professionalism and the humanity with which you handled my situation softened my experience of this not very gratifying experience. I was very satisfied with the services of the lawyer you recommended, and I would highly recommend him to anyone facing this type of situation. You will be the trustee in bankruptcy that I will recommend in all appropriate circumstances.

France D.