Corporate Services

Turnaround and restructuring

Turnaround and restructuring are measures taken to financially reorganize a company in difficulty.

Turnaround and restructuring

What does it involve?

In today's business world, struggling companies and their teams go through periods of stagnation and denial. Whatever the cause of your company's difficulties, shareholders need evidence that the company is deploying the right strategies, and doing so effectively. This is where corporate restructuring comes in.

Who does it apply to?

Company in financial difficulty

To carry out an in-depth analysis of your financial situation and develop an appropriate restructuring strategy

Company in difficulty following an economic or sectoral crisis

Our experts could help the company assess diversification opportunities, adapt its business strategy, reduce costs and negotiate with creditors.

Company on the verge of bankruptcy

To draw up a restructuring plan to turn around the company's activities.


Professional support
Instant financial improvement
In-depth analysis of the financial situation
Comprehensive financial analysis
Confidentiality and discretion
Advice from bankruptcy experts

Professional support

Benefit from the professional support of a licensed trustee in bankruptcy. You'll get expert advice and a clear plan of action, whatever the case.

Instant financial improvement

Find financial stability through a new job, new sources of income, sales, bonuses...

In-depth analysis of the financial situation

Benefit from strategic recommendations thanks to an in-depth financial analysis that takes into account financial statements and cash flows.

Comprehensive financial analysis

We analyze your situation: debts, assets, income, expenses, etc., then develop a personalized strategy to help you out of the impasse.

Confidentiality and discretion

Your confidentiality is guaranteed. Our aim is to ensure the utmost discretion and to protect your reputation and relationships.

Advice from bankruptcy experts

Our experienced bankruptcy team will advise and support you step by step to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.

The process

No matter what stage you're at with your finances, you've come to the right place with us. We'll help you get your financial house in order, and back on track to a bright future.

Qualifying call

Fill in one of our forms and we'll contact you to arrange a short call.


Options analysis

We'll analyze your case and present you with objective solutions.


Putting it into action

We'll quickly implement the steps you need to regain control of your finances.


Free advice


Common signs include ongoing financial losses, declining revenues, difficulty paying creditors, declining profitability, cash flow problems, loss of market share or major changes in the industry. If you observe these signs, it's important to consult turnaround professionals quickly to assess the situation.

Every situation is unique, but in many cases, appropriate turnaround and restructuring measures can be put in place to help companies overcome their financial difficulties. A thorough assessment of the situation by turnaround professionals can determine the best options available.

The length of the turnaround and restructuring process depends on the complexity of the company's financial and operational problems. It can vary from a few months to several years. A precise assessment of the situation by experts can give a better estimate of the time required.

In some cases, corporate turnaround and restructuring may involve redundancies, but this is not always the case. The main aim of these processes is to restore the company's financial health and ensure its long-term viability. This may involve downsizing if necessary to ensure the company's profitability, but other measures are also considered, such as reorganizing activities, reallocating resources and implementing training plans to preserve as many jobs as possible.

The tax consequences of a turnaround and restructuring process can vary depending on various factors, such as tax jurisdiction and the specific measures taken during the process. In some cases, tax benefits may be obtained, such as tax loss carryforwards or temporary tax relief. However, it is essential to consult tax experts to understand the specific tax implications of your situation and make informed decisions.

Groupe Serpone has extensive experience in corporate turnaround and restructuring. Our team of skilled professionals works closely with you to understand your business challenges and develop strategies tailored to your situation. We are committed to providing you with personalized support and implementing effective solutions to turn around and restructure your business.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude. Your professionalism and the humanity with which you handled my situation softened my experience of this not very gratifying experience. I was very satisfied with the services of the lawyer you recommended, and I would highly recommend him to anyone facing this type of situation. You will be the trustee in bankruptcy that I will recommend in all appropriate circumstances.

France D.