Consumer Services

Personal bankruptcy

A new financial chance with our personal bankruptcy service, to help you overcome your debts and start afresh.

Personal bankruptcy

What does it involve?

Personal bankruptcy is a legal procedure for repaying debts by selling the debtor's assets under bankruptcy and insolvency law. You assign your seizable assets to a liquidator to satisfy creditors with the proceeds. If your debts exceed your assets, this procedure pays off a large part of the debts. If you have surplus assets, consider other options with an insolvency trustee. In Quebec, the Superintendent's Office regulates trustees and issues licenses, enforcing the law. Personal bankruptcy is a measure of last resort if payments on a consumer proposal cannot be honoured. By declaring bankruptcy, your assets are liquidated for the benefit of creditors.

Who does it apply to?

Over-indebted individuals

Individuals who have accumulated debts that cannot be repaid within their current financial situation.

Self-employed workers and business owners

Self-employed workers and business owners can face financial difficulties, particularly if their business goes bankrupt or accumulates commercial debts.

People on limited incomes

Individuals on modest or fixed incomes, such as the elderly, disabled or working poor, who have accumulated debts over time and find themselves unable to repay them.


Professional support
Instant financial improvement
In-depth analysis of the financial situation
Comprehensive financial analysis
Confidentiality and discretion
Advice from bankruptcy experts

Professional support

Benefit from the professional support of a licensed trustee in bankruptcy. You'll get expert advice and a clear plan of action, whatever the case.

Instant financial improvement

Find financial stability through a new job, new sources of income, sales, bonuses...

In-depth analysis of the financial situation

Benefit from strategic recommendations thanks to an in-depth financial analysis that takes into account financial statements and cash flows.

Comprehensive financial analysis

We analyze your situation: debts, assets, income, expenses, etc., then develop a personalized strategy to help you out of the impasse.

Confidentiality and discretion

Your confidentiality is guaranteed. Our aim is to ensure the utmost discretion and to protect your reputation and relationships.

Advice from bankruptcy experts

Our experienced bankruptcy team will advise and support you step by step to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.

The process

No matter what stage you're at with your finances, you've come to the right place with us. We'll help you get your financial house in order, and back on track to a bright future.

Full financial evaluation

A financial assessment of the individual's situation helps determine whether personal bankruptcy is the best solution.


Document preparation and filing

At this stage, we consolidate debts, negotiate advantageous terms and simplify repayment into a single payment.


Bankruptcy management and debt forgiveness

Following bankruptcy, we enter the mediation phase to manage the various factors, including repayment, debt forgiveness and credit rebuilding.


Free advice


As you may have noticed, there are many different solutions to overindebtedness. It's important to consult a trustee in bankruptcy for an in-depth assessment of your case. That way, you can determine the solution that best suits your needs and financial situation. Many people have financial difficulties, and there's no magic, universal solution that applies to everyone. It all depends on a series of factors and variables that need to be studied by an insolvency expert.

Personal bankruptcy involves the liquidation of a debtor's assets for the benefit of creditors. This is necessary when a person has a large debt and no income to maintain the payment structure of a personal proposal. In some cases, bankruptcy can result in the loss of real estate, jewelry, cars, antiques and other assets. Your bankruptcy may also affect other people financially. For example, if your parents co-signed a car loan for you, they could be held responsible for part of that debt if you ever declare bankruptcy. It's also important to know that bankruptcy damages your credit report. Bankruptcy affects your credit report negatively for a few years and can affect your ability to borrow in the future. If a bankruptcy appears on your credit report, creditors may refuse to grant you credit or decide to offer you higher interest rates and less favorable terms.

A first bankruptcy generally affects your credit rating for 6 to 7 years, while a second bankruptcy stays on your record for 14 years. Fortunately, you can rebuild your credit after bankruptcy, especially if it's your first. In fact, once you've declared bankruptcy, your trustee will give you advice on how to better manage your finances.

The main difference is that in the case of a personal proposal filed and accepted by creditors, assets can be retained. They are therefore protected against seizure. A proposal can be spread over a maximum of 5 years, whereas a first bankruptcy is finalized after 9 months, in most cases.

If this is your first bankruptcy, the process can take between 9 and 21 months. If no one opposes your bankruptcy, your discharge will take place 9 months after the opening of your file. However, if you have surplus income, your discharge will take place 21 months later. If this is your second bankruptcy in Quebec, the process takes a minimum of 24 to 36 months. For a third bankruptcy (or more), a court hearing will be held 12 months after the opening of your file. At this hearing, the duration of the bankruptcy will be established. The duration is generally 12 to 36 months.

The main non-dischargeable debts are:- maintenance arrears;- criminal fines (e.g. traffic tickets);- debts or obligations resulting from fraud, misrepresentation, etc.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude. Your professionalism and the humanity with which you handled my situation softened my experience of this not very gratifying experience. I was very satisfied with the services of the lawyer you recommended, and I would highly recommend him to anyone facing this type of situation. You will be the trustee in bankruptcy that I will recommend in all appropriate circumstances.

France D.